Talks and Workshops

Note: For an updated description, please click here.


Here are some of my past workshops and talks:

1) Building Bridges of Communication
- three workshops for Christian Science churches in British Columbia
- Focus: Communicating to Heal: How do we talk with others about Spirituality?

2) The Power of Collaboration: Lessons from the First Blue Box Program
- talk for the Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo

3) Sharing our Spiritual (& Consciousness) Experiences
- conversation evening, Toronto

4) Transforming Problems at Work: Working with Spirit, Engaging with Ego
- workshop for the Centre for Spirituality at Work, Toronto

5) Writing from your Head, Heart & Soul... and Having Others GET IT!
- workshop for the Centre for Spirituality at Work, Toronto

6) Marketing & Communicating with Spirit (Or: "Selling" for those who hate to...)
- workshop for the Centre for Spirituality at Work, Toronto

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Descriptions & Content

Building Bridges of Communication

Communicating to Heal: How do we talk with others about Spirituality?

(more to come)

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The Power of Collaboration:

Lessons/Insights from
the first Blue Box Recycling Program

(more to come)

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Exploring Our Spiritual 
& Consciousness Experiences  

A Conversation Evening... 

(more to come)

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Writing with Your Head, Heart & Soul...
and Having Others GET It

to write, but have to? Like to write, but want to be more effective?

We all have to write something, whether it's emails, cover letters, articles, blogs, websites, reports or even books. This workshop is about how to make it EASIER for you, to communicate what mattes most. And easier for OTHERS, to help them get and understand your message.

We’ll be working with:
- how to enjoy writing more by bringing in yourself/your stories
- ways to improve the basics: from emails & cover letters to proposals & promos
- how to shift from your head to your heart, and your heart to your head
- how to bring more ‘spirit’ into your writing
- how to be more effective and helpful in your communications
- how to create a connection between you and your reader(s)

We'll also explore:

- writing styles, voices and forms

- stages of writing (from first draft to completion)

- different types of editing, and forms of publishing

You will have opportunities to write, and to get feedback on your writing (only if you want to!), in an accepting and non-intimidating environment.


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Transforming Problems & Blocks at Work:
Working with Spirit, Engaging with Ego

Many of us aspire to bring more spirit into work; to work with more passion, purpose, fulfillment and meaning. Yet frequently something seems to block us – from others or inside ourselves. When that “ego” arises, it can come in many forms: attack or negativity, fear or anxiety, resistance or rejection, criticism or self suppression... In this workshop, we’ll explore how the ego shows up at work, both in ourselves and those around us. You’ll learn practical ways to deal with it. And how to "bring more spirit in," in real work situations. It begins with a subtle, yet fundamental shift in the way we think, see and act – that brings more caring, connection & effectiveness into our work & organizations, and healing into our world.

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Marketing & Communicating with Spirit 
(or:  "Selling" for those who hate to...)

Do you have a service or product to sell... a passion you'd like to turn into a livelihood... or an idea, project or cause that you want to share with others -- but there's something about sales and marketing that scares you, turns you off or goes against your values?

The old way of marketing is trying to convince others to buy or do what we want them to. The spiritual approach is different. It's about sharing what we love & value, and finding others who love & value our offering too. It's giving from the heart, serving/meeting real needs and creating mutual benefits.

If that speaks to you, join us to explore inspiring and practical ways to market and communicate what matters to you.

Here are some topics we'll cover:
      - What is marketing? Do we need to?
      - How to integrate spirituality and working in the "real" world
      - Are you communicating from love/ fullness or fear/ lack?
      - Giving or Getting: Principles for aligning with spirit
      - What to do when your "ego" shows up
      - Writing, speaking, print materials, ads, email, Websites...
            what works, and how do we choose?

      - Does your spirit sing or sag because of what you do?
      - Do people want and value your offering -and- have you tested it?
      - What's your larger purpose? (the 3-way test)
      - The role of asking/listening, prayer, intuition and discernment
      - "How much should I charge?"