About Eric Hellman

Coach, Consultant and Communicator

Eric has had a passion for creating personal, work and societal change for nearly 40 years. During that time, he has been an environmental consultant, project designer, event organizer, resume consultant, ghostwriter, small business owner/co-manager, salesperson, and health practitioner.

His work includes organizing international peace and sustainability events with the United Nations, writing a bestselling book, co-launching the first Blue Box recycling program, and coaching individuals to express their spirituality and bring more meaning & spirit into work.
His focus today is on helping people be more effective in creating the change we want to see in our world. And he is also currently the Director of the national Centre for Spirituality at Work (now based in Vancouver, Canada).

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Eric brings a wide range of skills to help people and organizations grow and create change. These include:

- Coaching/teaching how to communicate more effectively

- Assist people to express their spirituality and bring "spirit" into work

- Develop innovative ideas for new projects, products and services

- Design, implement and market projects that make a difference

- Inspire and communicate new ideas (through writing, editing & speaking)

- Research and interviewing

- Coach people to express their truths/values, move past blocks/fears, and live/work with more meaning & purpose

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Examples of Experience:


•  Co-Organizer, Spirituality & Sustainability Roundtable, UN World Urban Forum
•  Organizer, UN International Day of Peace event, Expo ’86  (50,000 participants)

•  Co-Founder/Project Manager, the first "Blue Box" recycling project
   (which launched “We can make a difference” into common usage)

•  Creator, The Haz Pages, hazardous waste management directory
•  Creator, Signs of Progress, Signs of Caution, a healthy-sustainable communities "report card" manual


•  Director, Centre for Spirituality at Work (Toronto)
•  Partner in an office-support firm serving top Canadian companies
•  Co-Founder/First Executive Director, Recycling Council of Ontario
•  Former board member & webmaster, Workplace Centre for Spiritual & Ethical Development (Vancouver)
•  Organizing team, first Spirituality in the Workplace Conference (Toronto)


•  Workshops on leadership, marketing, writing, spirit at work, and environment

•  Talks (and 'sermons') on spiritual issues and 'applying spirit' in work and daily life


•  Consulting writer, Leadership from Within for Peter Urs Bender (Canadian bestseller)

•  Ghostwriter/Editor, books, articles, website & blog content on subjects ranging
   from addictions & unwanted habits, marketing and communications to
   environment, presentations skills, and spirituality

•  Author, Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet, about his own challenges in talking about spirituality

Health Practitioner/Coach

•  Energy/Touch Practitioner, for relaxation and healing (A Touch of Stillness)

•  Support in dealing with dementia (communications, coaching and gentle counsel)